Our junior players 6-18 compete in the Queensland Junior Ice Hockey League from March to September. From October to February we have a number of development opportunities including our Melt the Ice Tournament in January.
Ages 5-9 play a cross ice fun orientated format. No scores are recorded and players get to play all positions.
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U11 & U13 are graded into two divisions (A & B) based on skill – so similar skilled players are playing within the same division. Full ice competitive format.
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U11 & U13 are graded into two divisions (A & B) based on skill – so similar skilled players are playing within the same division. Full ice competitive format.
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U15 players play a full ice, bodychecking competitive format.
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U18 players play a full ice, bodychecking competitive format.
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This division caters for players 15-18 who wish to play a full ice, non-bodychecking competitive format.
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